About Us-Terralexis Builders (SMC-PVT)-Construction Company

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TERRALEXIS BUILDERS (SMC-PVT.) Limited-Construction Company- has a sound commercial track record spanning approximately 22 years. Our management - possessing a strong financial background has delivered on their commitments to quality. Their adopted approach to professional management has ensured that we remain a regional trend setter in the construction business. Today the company’s name carries a reputation for delivering the highest standards in real estate development with unparalleled skills. Moreover, we have enjoyed success in our partnerships: helping to provide financial support to groups for mega projects.

construction company

With more than two decades of collective experience as a multidisciplinary group TERRALEXIS BUILDERS has broadened its horizons by being involved in numerous diverse ventures. Our professionals and researchers have been working on the projects since 1997. Our group members have excellent experience in their relevant fields.

Group History

TERRALEXIS BUILDERS (SMC-PVT.) LIMITED (Corporate Universal Identification No, 0109209)

TERRALEXIS BUILDERS is a newly formed engineering, contracting, and construction company accredited/ License of Pakistan Engineering Council LICENCE No: 88524 Category: C6/E, Validity: 30 June, 2019 as PAKISTANI CONSTRUCTOR/OPERATOR (Under the Bye-laws of Pakistan Engineering Council 1987) with its registered office at Office # 3, 1st Floor, Decent Arcade, Street# 8, G-7/2-4, Islamabad, Pakistan.For more than two decades TERRALEXIS BUILDERS operated as sole proprietor firm; after that the company evolved into a partnership concern (AOP/ Association of Persons); and finally, it was incorporated with SECP under Industries Ordinance 1984.

TERRALEXIS BUILDERS performs as a member of four diverse professional companies in the field of Development, Town Planning, Construction, Environmental Designing, Project & Program Management and Project Management Office Deployment. It provides services in the field of Construction, Renovation, and Annual Maintenance & Management for apartments, plazas, residential / commercial flats, and offices. It also works in the construction of shops, markets, warehouse, industrial and commercial buildings, roads, dams, bridges, spillways, highways, reservoirs, airports, seaports etc.

Since its inception, TERRALEXIS BUILDERS has been actively engaged in Civil Contracting and Infrastructure development activities. Over the last few years the company has undergone rapid expansion, and is at present working in various parts of the country in different public and private sectors. TERRALEXIS BUILDERS growth can be directly attributed to its tendency to adopt Technologies, allowing them to endure and remain credible amongst all its competitors. Moreover, it has diversified operations by directly participating in tenders and as well as entering into strategic alliance with various reputed construction companies for joint ventures.

Affiliated & Pre-qualified with Organizations


* To provide construction and engineering services with creative approach, within budget and within time line.

*To gain satisfaction of our clients and to be the preferred partner for their most challenging projects.

* To encourage innovation, teamwork, professional integrity, commitment, up gradation of knowledge and skills of employees and a safe working environment.

* To be a responsible corporate citizen committed to the social cause


Proven track record to take up big size projects

! Meeting and exceeding customer expectations of quality and completion dates.

! Highly qualified management team and experienced employee base.

! StrongOrder Book

! Strategic alliance / tie up with reputed construction companies to take up mega projects.


TERRALEXIS BUILDERS (SMC-PVT.) Limited aspires to be a strong and quality conscious company in the areas of engineering, procurement and construction of infrastructure development.